Krúdy Gyula
Rózsa Sándor
A betyárok csillaga Magyarország történetében

"Daliás jelenség volt a rövid nyakú Rózsa Sándor a nyeregben. Hiába, lóháton kevés ember tudott úgy ülni, mint ez a hírhedt pusztafi! A legényei - százötvenen - négyes sorokban mögötte, éppen nem váltak szégyenére Szegednek. Fekete gatyás, fekete inges, kitisztálkodott, megberetválkozott hadfiak..."

Olvassa el az egész regényt!

    Sándor Rózsa (born July 10, 1813, Röszke – died November 22, 1878,Gherla) was a legendary Hungarian bandit (in Hungarian: betyár) from theGreat Hungarian Plain. He is the best-known Hungarian highwayman; his life inspired numerous writers, notably Zsigmond Móricz and Gyula Krúdy. He enjoyed much the same esteem as Dick Turpin, with elements of Robin Hood thrown in for good measure.

He was at the age of 23 (1836) when first got into jail in Szeged. After escaping he chose the life of a highwayman and a number of bloody and infamous acts made his name well-known.

In October 1848 on behalf of the Committee of Defence (Honvédelmi Bizottmány), he joined the
 Hungarian Revolution of 1848 with his company of 150. With their strange appearance and method of fighting they had success but because of their lack of discipline they were disbanded.

After the fall of the revolution he was forced to flee and returned to his earlier brigand lifestyle. He was not captured until 1857 when he was betrayed by one of his companions. He was sentenced to
 life imprisonment. He spent 9 years in prisons of Kufstein, Theresienstadt and Pétervárad till he was released in a general amnesty in 1868.

In the same year he resumed his old pursuits and robbed post coaches and railway trains. He was again captured on January 12, 1869 and was again sentenced to imprisonment for life.
He died in prison in Gherla.

External links - Article about Rózsa Sándor in The New York Times published on December 15, 1878

Arany János




"Rózsa Sándor, Rózsa Sándor,
Hova lettél?
Megvagy-e még, harcolsz-e még,
Vagy elestél?"



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